Resources To Learn Mobile Application Security


Hacker Days: iOS Application Vulnerabilities

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iOS Reverse Engineering :: Part I :: Dynamic Reversing and iOS Basics

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iOS Reverse Engineering :: Part II :: System Processes and Hardware Interaction

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DEF CON 30 - Nikita Kurtin - Bypassing Android Permissions From All Protection Levels

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(Black Hat) Reverse Engineering WhatsApp Encryption for Chat Manipulation and More

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(Black Hat) Fried Apples: Jailbreak DIY

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(Black Hat) iOS Kernel PAC, One Year Later

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(Black Hat) Hacker Days: iOS Application Vulnerabilities

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Online training

Android Application Security: Learn Penetration Testing of Android Applications

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Online training

iOS Application Security: A Detailed Course on Penetration Testing of iOS Applications

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Online training

Reverse Engineering - Zero to One: A Hands On Course On Reverse Engineering

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Certified Mobile Appsec Expert: An action-packed, hands-on training & certification program

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Book (Paid)

Mobile App Reverse Engineering: Get started with discovering, analyzing, and exploring the internals of Android and iOS apps

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Free Guide

OWASP Mobile Application Security Testing Guide (MASTG)

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Free Guide

OWASP Mobile Application Security Verification Standard (MASVS)

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Book (Paid)

The Mobile Application Hacker's Handbook

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